White Beauty Marble
White Beauty Marble has another more well-known name as Ice Jade Marble.This beautiful, distinctive exotic white marble from China.It is characterized large areas of black, grey and shades of light green.This monumental stone has wonderful movement with nice unexpected pop green.It make a lovely addition to any kitchen countertops, island, fireplace, bathroom counters, powder room, shower or tub deck.White Beauty is ideal in all finishings for a variety of interior projects.
White Beauty Marble Price is from $ 300-600/m2 in China facotry for 18 mm polished slabs for wholesalers.
.☑️It is an exotic marble from China,highly preffered by interior designers ,stone distributors and marble importers.
☑️It is characterized by white, green, grey and black feldspars that create a rich and original design.
☑️White Beauty is widely used for stairs, outstanding walls of bahtroom ,kitchen and living room feature wall.